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ParentEdge Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

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Parent Support FAQ

How do I receive my login information to update my settings?

ParentEdge automatically sends out an email containing your login information.  You can also contact your child’s school.

How can I change the cell phone number the text message is sent to every day?

You can change the cell phone number that receives the text message by logging into ParentEdge and updating your settings.  Simply log in, click edit, and enter your new phone number.  Then click save. The format for the phone number should have no spaces, dashes, or parenthesis. 
The phone number must begin with the number 1.  Ex. 15555555555 

How can I change the email addresses that receive the text message every day?

You can change the email addresses that receive the emails by logging into ParentEdge and updating your settings.  Simply log in, click edit, enter any new email addresses you would like and click save.  You can enter up to 3 email addresses. 

How can I opt out of receiving text messages?

You can opt out of receiving text messages in two ways:

  1. Simply reply with the keyword STOP to the ParentEdge phone number sending you messages.  You will automatically be opted out.
  2. Login in to your ParentEdge account.  Select edit and change your status to opted-out.  Click Save.

How can I opt in to receiving text messages?

You can opt in to receiving text messages by replying START to the ParentEdge phone number sending you messages.  You can also opt back in by logging in to ParentEdge and updating your status to opted in.

How can I opt out of receiving emails?

Login in to your ParentEdge account.  Select edit and change your status to opted-out.  Click Save.  You can determine the opted in status for each individual email.

What time are the messages sent out every day?

Messages are sent out at a time determined by the school each day. 

What cell phone numbers can I set to receive the message?

You can have your cell phone number as the one that receives messages.  If you feel comfortable you can also assign your child’s phone number to receive messages to help them become more responsible on their own.

What If I want my child to receive the text message or one of the emails?

Simply login and update your settings with their cell phone number or email.

Can I get a respond to the text message or email?

No, please do not respond to a ParentEdge text message or email.  You will receive no response.

Where do I login to change my settings?

Contact your school for login information or check your email for the ParentEdge welcome email. 

What days will I receive messages?

You will receive messages Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday.  The message for Sunday will contain homework information from Friday.  

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